
Policy #1 Concerning Financial Management

Policy #2 Repealed on May 31, 2023

Policy #3 Concerning Personnel Management

Policy #4 Concerning Appointment, Evaluation and Renewal of Mandates of the Director General and Academic Dean

Policy #5 Concerning the Evaluation Student Achievement

Policy #6 Concerning a Respectful Environment Free of Discrimination and Harassment
                 P6.1: Complaint_Process_Flowchart
                 P6.2: Complaints_Detailled_Process

Policy #7 Concerning Parking - Repealed on March 27, 2024

Policy #8 Conditions for Admission to Diploma of College Studies (DEC) Programs - Dissolved

Policy #9 Concerning the Hiring and Evaluation of the External Auditor - Repealed on June 19, 2024

Policy #10 Concerning Human Resources Management

Policy #11 Professional Development for Employees Dissolved

Policy #12 Concerning the Appraisal of Non-Teaching Personnel

Policy #13 Staffing Dissolved

Policy #14 Welcoming, Integration and Recognition of Staff Members Dissolved

Policy #15 Concerning Faculty Evaluation
                      Procedure 31.1 - New Teachers
                      Procedure 31.2 - Seasoned Teachers

Policy #16 Abolished and re-introduced as Bylaw #7

Policy #17 Program Evaluation

Policy #18 Concerning Program Exit Assessment - Repealed on April 24, 2024

Policy #19 Concerning Conditions of Eligibility for a Work Term

Policy #20 Dissolved (included in Policy #19)

Policy #21 Concerning Smoking

Policy #22 Concerning Records and Archives Management

Policy #23 Concerning Digital Networks

Policy #24 Concerning Standards of Student Conduct

Policy #25 Concerning Supplementary Working Conditions for Management Personnel

Policy #26 Concerning Assessment of Management Personnel

Policy #27 Concerning Working Conditions for Non-Unionized Support (NUS) Personnel

Policy #28 Concerning Employment Equity
                      Supporting material for Heritage College Policy #28

Policy #29 Concerning Facilities Use and Rental

Politique no29 en matière de l’utilisation et la location des installations

Policy #30 Concerning Acquisition of Goods and Services

Policy #31 Concerning Allotment of the Balance of Funds

Policy #33 Concerning Academic Integrity - Repealed on June 19, 2024

Policy #34 Concerning the French Language

Politique no34  sur la langue française

Policy #35 Concerning the Naming of College Spaces and Services - Repealed on June 19, 2024

Policy #36 Concerning Promotion of the English Language
                      Reference Document P36.1
                      Reference Document P36.2

Policy #37 Concerning International Cooperation

Policy #38 Concerning Environmental Management

Policy #40 Concerning Recognition of Acquired Competencies - Repealed on June 19, 2024

Policy #42 Contract Rules Compliance Monitor -Repealed

Policy #43 Concerning Communications and Corporate Identity Policy

Policy #44 Concerning Prevention of Sexual Violence

Policy #45 Concerning Expense Reimbursement

                      Reference Document P45 – Travel and Representation

                      Reference Document P45 – Travel and Representation updated 2022

Policy #46 Concerning Corruption and Collusion Risk Management

Policy #49 Concerning Mental Health