Anishinàbe Akì Kikenindamojiwewin


Kwey Kakina!

Ni màdjitàmin kidji kikenindamokìyàng iyo akì nongom endaji màmandòseng wayeshkat odakìwàng, ega wìkàd kà mìgiwewàdj odakìwà Anishinàbeg Algonquin. 

Nijaweninmànànig ogog Kakina Anishinàbeg nàgadawàbandamowàdj iyo akì.

Nigìkenindàmin wayeskat chìnawenindamowàdj iyo akì.



Kwey Kakina, Hello everyone!

We begin by acknowledging that the land on which we gather is the traditional, unceded territory of the Anishinàbeg Algonquin people.

We pay respect to the Algonquin people who are the traditional guardians of this land.  

We acknowledge their longstanding relationship with this territory.

Mìgwech, Thank you.


Kwey Kakina, Bonjour à tous !

Nous commençons par reconnaître que la terre sur laquelle nous nous réunissons est le territoire traditionnel et non cédé du peuple Anishinàbeg algonquin.

Nous respectons le peuple algonquin qui est le gardien traditionnel de cette terre.

Nous reconnaissons leur relation de longue date avec ce territoire.

Mìgwech, Merci.

The College is grateful to the Kitigan Zìbì Elders for their collaboration on the Land Acknowledgement Statement and wish to extend special thanks to Joan Tenasco who translated the Statement.  Migwech!

This year, CÉGEP Heritage College is celebrating its 35th anniversary!  From its humble beginnings as an offshoot of the present Cégep de l’Outaouais in 1969, the College began with seven (7) students.  Over the decades, the College has grown by leaps and bounds not only by its student and staff populations, but also its facilities.  Learn more about our history, an exciting project development, and upcoming Athletics

In September 2024, the College celebrations will culminate with the official opening of the new sports field and other extracurricular and academic events.  Stay tuned by following us on the College Facebook (College account and Alumni account), Instagram, and Flickr

A strong learning community

Whether you have, are or simply considering studying at CÉGEP Heritage College, there is a place for you amongst our welcoming community.

College Hours

Gatineau Campus

Monday - Friday: 06:45 - 22:00
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Parking: Available on the premises

Administrative Services

Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00, for the majority of our services


Upcoming Events

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