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Admission requirements

Admission requirements for the Social Science - Commerce Profile program vary depending on if you are a Quebec-resident, out-of-province applicant, or international applicant. Please review all general and program-specfic requirements before applying. 

Program content

Social Science Commerce Profile

In the first semester of your program you will take a variety of social science courses that will introduce you to the basic theories and concepts of the disciplines in the program. In the first semester, as well as in each of the remaining three semesters, you will take one Administration course as part of your other core social science courses. In addition, during the program you will take two courses in Calculus and one in Linear Algebra. In the fourth semester of the program you will complete your studies with an in-depth look at how the disciplines in the social sciences can be applied to real world issues. You will get the opportunity to integrate your knowledge from different disciplines to help understand the causes and the consequences of any societal issue that you choose to analyze.

with commerce profile



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